An online knowledge resource for policy-related issues on Africa including open access to a suite of features including an online library collection; a resource for opinion and analysis; an experts directory; an international events calendar; and a mobile technology component — all aimed to equip users with research and information on Africa’s current policy issues.
A key feature to the Africa Portal is the online library collection holding over 5,000 books, journals, and digital documents related to African policy issues. The entire online repository is open access and available for free full-text download
Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative (HINARI)
Hinari Programme set up by WHO together with major publishers, enables low- and middle- income countries to gain access to one of the world's largest collections of biomedical and health literature. Up to 20,000 journals, up to 64,000 e-books, up to 110 other information resources are now available to health institutions in more than 125 countries, areas and territories benefiting many thousands of health workers and researchers, and in turn, contributing to improve world health.
Ibero-American Science & Technology Education Consortium (ISTEC) - LibLink
The LIBLINK initiative is dedicated to managing academic and scientific information: not only for bibliographic exchange but also to improve the visibility and impact of institutional production. To achieve these ambitious objectives, the initiative encourages the use of open source technologies, supports the Open Access movement and shares its own developments with all partners -research librarian support, document exchange software, statistics tools, harvesting tools for open access to scientific and academic resources. All this information is available for members to manage in their own usual workspace.
ICRISAT Library - Agricultural Sites list
ICRISAT Library created and maintains an agricultural sites list including glossaries, journals, and other internet resources.
Full-text scholarly journal articles spanning a wide range of fields, some going as far back as the 1800s. Full text coverage for the most recent 3-5 years is not available for most journals.
Online Access to Research in the Environment (OARE)
OARE provides developing countries with free or low cost access to peer-reviewed journals, books and databases on the environment--up to 11,500 scientific journals, 27,000 e-books, 40 databases and other information resources in 118 countries. It is led by UN Environment in partnership with leading scientific publishers and Yale University.
About 13000 scientific journals are now available in the 'Open Science Directory'. When all the special program journals will be included, the Open Science Directory will contain more than 20000 titles.
Provides access to its serials collection via an alphabetic list of titles or a subject list or a search form by word of serial titles, publisher names, city of publication and subject. The interface also provides access to the full text of articles via author index or subject index, or by a search form on article elements such as author names, words from title, subject, words from the full text and publication year.
The SIDALC Alliance provides access to information generated throughout the Americas and stored in Agricultural Institutes, its libraries and other related information centers. Its Megadatabase contains some 3.1 million reference materials, including: books, magazines and journals, theses and reports, as well as 260.000 full text documents.